Reply reminder - Remind users to reply to new users topics with zero replies

We’ve been using this theme component for some time, and today it broke.

Here’s the component code (common, head_tag.html)

<!-- NEEDS REPLY -->
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8.18">
    if (I18n.translations.en) {
        I18n.translations.en.js.filters.needsreply = {title: "Needs Reply", help: "Unanswered Topics"};

    // Set the search query
    let search_query = '?ascending=false&max_posts=1';
    // Exclude certain categories from showing the needs reply menu item
    let excludeList = ['pitches', 'weekly-recap', 'staff'];

    // Add active class to Needs Reply button
    api.modifyClass('component:navigation-item', {
        active: Ember.computed("contentFilterMode", "filterMode", function () {
            let contentFilterMode = this.get('content').get('filterMode');
            if ( &&'&')[0] === search_query.split('&')[0]) {
                return contentFilterMode === "needsreply";
            } else {
                return this._super(contentFilterMode, this.get('filterMode'));

    // Remove max_posts filter and tags filter
    api.modifyClass('controller:discovery/topics', {
        resetParams: function () {
            this.setProperties({max_posts: null});
            this.setProperties({tags: null});

    Discourse.ExternalNavItem = Discourse.NavItem.extend({
        href: function () {
            return this.get('href');

        buildList: function (category, args) {
            let list = this._super(category, args),
                tag = args.tagId,

            if (!category) { // does not have a category
                needsreplyHref = tag ? '/latest/' + search_query + '&tags=' + tag : '/latest/' + search_query; // if there's a tag build the href with the tag, else fall back to the latest view and the search query
            else if (excludeList.indexOf(category.slug) != -1) { // the category is in the exclude list, do nothing
                return list; // return the list without creating the custom nav item
            else if (!category.parentCategory) { // is not a sub-category
                needsreplyHref = tag ? '/c/' + category.slug + search_query + '&tags=' + tag : '/c/' + category.slug + search_query; // if there's a tag build the href with tags and the category, else fallback to the search query et al
            } else { // is a sub-category
                needsreplyHref = tag ? '/c/' + category.parentCategory.slug + '/' + category.slug + search_query + '&tags=' + tag :
                    '/c/' + category.parentCategory.slug + '/' + category.slug + search_query; // if there's a tag build the href with tags, sub-cateogry, and category, else fallback to search query et al
            list.push(Discourse.ExternalNavItem.create({href: needsreplyHref, name: 'needsreply'}));
            return list;

There’s an error in the JS console:

And digging into a bit more I found this post talking about Discourse.NavItem being deprecated:

Any suggestions for rewriting this without the deprecated NavItem class?