Rerunning the Discourse setup wizard

:bookmark: This guide explains how to rerun the setup wizard for your Discourse forum, allowing you to update your site’s basic configuration in one place.

:person_raising_hand: Required user level: Administrator

The setup wizard is a valuable tool designed to simplify the process of setting up and configuring your Discourse forum. As an administrator, you have the flexibility to rerun this wizard whenever you need to make changes to your site’s fundamental settings.

Accessing the setup wizard

To rerun the setup wizard:

  1. Log in to your Discourse site as an administrator.
  2. In your browser’s address bar, append /wizard to your site’s URL:

You can rerun the Setup Wizard as many times as necessary without any restrictions.

Setup Wizard sections

The Setup Wizard is divided into several sections, each focusing on different aspects of your site’s configuration. You can use the provided shortcuts to jump directly to specific sections if needed.

About your site


This section allows you to set basic information about your site.

Member experience


Configure settings related to user registration and privacy.

After completing these two sections, you’ll see a “Your site is ready” screen. However, you can choose to “Configure more…” which will give you access to additional options.

Site logo


Upload and configure your site’s logo.

Look and feel


Customize the visual aspects of your site, including colors and fonts.

Your organization


Add information about your organization, if applicable.

Exiting the Setup Wizard

The Wizard saves the value of each step after you click its “Next” button. This means you can safely exit the Setup Wizard at any point without losing your progress or needing to complete all steps.


If you encounter issues with certain settings not taking effect after running the wizard (such as setting categories as your default home page), try the following steps:

  1. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies.
  2. Log out and log back in to your Discourse site.
  3. If the issue persists, check your site settings directly in the admin panel rather than using the wizard.

For more information on clearing browser cache and cookies, you can refer to this external guide.

Last edited by @hugh 2024-07-30T04:31:44Z

Last checked by @hugh 2024-07-30T04:31:53Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

Hi Everyone,
I want to skip some steps during setup. Please can anyone let me know how can I remove some steps.

Thanks in Advance
Vaibhav Dwivedi

Why not next click next?

1 Like

Hi @pfaffman, Thanks for quick reply.
There are by default 14 steps in wizard setup, but I want only 6 of them. How can I remove or hide others ?

Vaibhav D.

Just edit the settings in the system settings rather than the wizard?

Write a plugin?

How often are you going to do this? It would seem that we have already spent more time discussing this than it would take to click next ten times.


It can happen that, as apparently occurred to @natefinch at other post, sometimes you can’t make work categories as your default home page. It happened to me, as well! Then, or you use the solution offered at this same thread, or you… erase the cache and cookies!! :sweat_smile:

For the people who doesn’t know what this means I was going to explain to you why this matters at all, but I prefer to let other people do it. Why to do the same thing twice or more times when is already done? This guy, Leo, can explaining to you just fine.