[retired setting] What does the "trusted users can edit others" setting do?

Trusted users with high trust levels may edit content from other users.

The trusted_users_can_edit_others site setting, which is on by default, allows Trust Level 3 and Trust Level 4 users to edit other user’s content on the site. The capabilities it gives to a user depends on their Trust Level.

Trust Level 3

Trust Level 3 users can edit topic titles and recategorize topics that are in a category they have permission to create topics in. Trust Level 3 users cannot edit archived topics or personal messages.

Trust Level 3 users cannot edit the content of other user’s posts.

Trust Level 4

Trust Level 4 users can edit topic titles and recategorize topics that are in a category they have permission to create topics in. Trust Level 4 users can edit archived topics, but they cannot edit personal messages.

Trust Level 4 users can edit post content for topics they have permission to create posts in.


I’ve bookmarked this for a refresh for the new group enabled settings that have replaced it, but will Unlist it for now. :+1: