Discourse Retort

My Script framework to rearrange topics and categories has grown a new function that goes a little beyond rearranging topics and categories!

I usually remember to warn folks that I don’t know ruby or ruby on rails, so my code is idiosyncratic rather than idiomatic. But it seems to work so far in my testing!

  def migrateRetortToReactions(allowed:, likes: nil, emojimap: nil)
    # migrate where possible without overriding any existing likes
    # this is a necessarily lossy conversion, and is consistent only by ordering of PostDetail
    # no attempt is made to prefer one PostDetail record over another
    emojimap = {} if emojimap.nil?
    allowed.each do |a|
      emojimap[a] = a
    retort = "retort".freeze
    emojiType = "emoji".freeze
    usermap = Hash.new { |hash, username| hash[username] = User.find_by_username(username) }
    postmap = Hash.new { |hash, post_id| hash[post_id] = Post.find(post_id) }
    likeType = PostActionType.where(name_key: "like").pluck(:id).first

    PostDetail.where(extra: retort).each do |pd|
        p = postmap[pd.post_id]
        # PostDetail not consistent WRT delete
        $stderr.puts sprintf("Could not find post for %d: %s / %s", pd.post_id, pd.key, pd.value)
      emoji = pd.key.split('|').first
      users = JSON.parse(pd.value)
      users.each do |user|
        u = usermap[user]
        next if u.nil? # changed user name or deleted user leaves orphaned Retorts
        if likes.include?(emoji)
          pa = PostAction.where(post_id: p.id, user_id: u.id, post_action_type_id: likeType).first
          next unless pa.nil?
          $stderr.puts sprintf("Adding like for Retort %s for user %s in %s", emoji, user, p.url)
          PostActionCreator.create(u, p, :like, created_at: pd.created_at, silent: true)
        elsif emojimap.has_key?(emoji)
          e = emojimap[emoji]
          r = DiscourseReactions::Reaction.where(post_id: p.id, reaction_type: emojiType, reaction_value: e).first_or_create
          ru = DiscourseReactions::ReactionUser.where(user_id: u.id, post_id: p.id).first
          next unless ru.nil?
          $stderr.puts sprintf("Converting Retort %s to Reaction %s for user %s in %s", emoji, e, user, p.url)
          DiscourseReactions::ReactionUser.create(reaction_id: r.id, user_id: u.id, post_id: p.id, created_at: pd.created_at)
          $stderr.puts sprintf("Ignoring unmapped Retort %s for user %s in %s", emoji, user, p.url)

I use the framework I built to provide a yaml configuration that looks like this:

- migrateRetortToReactions:
      - rofl
      - astonished
      - crossed_fingers
      - sob
      - thinking
      - grimacing
      - frowning_face
      - drum
      - dart
      - +1
      - joy
      - "100"
      - brain
      - heart
      - heart_eyes
      - hearts
      rage: sob
      four_leaf_clover: crossed_fingers
      cry: sob
      open_mouth: astonished
      scream: frowning_face

However, you could just wrap that up in a ruby script including making those arguments literal ruby code, drop it in the script/ directory, and run it.