RGSoC 2016: Visual Forum Analytics Community Discussion

We have answers to these (sorta)

  • the time zone question is also a concern of ours. We are not sure, that discourse db has info on user’s time zone, but we think the default is given admin’s timezone and we can maybe have some indication of that on the page. The bar chart for visits is supposed to be adjusted for time zones, we can also just show time slots based on admin’s time instead

  • we wanted to indicate which users are actually active on the forum and logged in today, but maybe the trust level info is more representative, idk, that’s something to think about

  • so the pie chart is basically information on topics’ success (new topics which have no replies, topics with one reply and topics with “many” replies), and this chart is separate from top categories section

And thanks for the feedback. We are really excited to implement this idea.