Right Sidebar Blocks

Hello, it seems workable :slightly_smiling_face:

Add this to a component. Desktop > CSS

@media screen and (min-width: 767px) {
  .tc-right-sidebar {
    html.rtl & {
      float: left;
    + #list-area {
      html.rtl & {
        float: right;


Thank you!, that worked!


would be an idea to grant trust levels to view?

currently our site is private, but the right sidebar shows all info still for non logged in users, which creates a privacy issue.

Can we lock it to appear for only trust levels and which levels that can view it,

Many thanks

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Just a thought. What about implementing maybe a swipe right to summon the sidebar on mobile?

Can’t it be displayed on the category list, I installed it here and feel like I haven’t installed it

how do I let it also show up on the topic page? I mean the discussion page like what we are seeing now.

Adding the sidebar to the topic view is not supported by the component (there’s much less room available for a column).

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Is it possible to add a “View all” under Popular Tags like the “View all” from Top contributors?


Sure, that’s reasonable. UX: Add a "View all" link to the popular tags block by pmusaraj · Pull Request #39 · discourse/discourse-right-sidebar-blocks · GitHub should add it (once it gets reviewed and merged).


Love this! Thanks for making it. :handshake:

Is there any way to exclude admins group from the top contributors list?


Also I added this:

*Trying to increase min width to 1024px.

But it has no effect. I know this is on me, missing something, as I have no experience with front end stuff/css. Any help would be appreciated.

Excuse me for the necro-reply, but I am having the same exact issue. My custom footer template disappears, but header stays intact.

Unfortunately I am not too familiar with the plugin API as I am more used to the vanilla DOM.

It looks like the CustomHtml component used in the footer and defined in the core:

is overwritten by the CustomHtml defined in this theme component:

By API, Carson suggests using the below-footer plugin outlet to define your footer custom HTML.
I can show you an example later.

Possible bug (please delete this post if I’m incorrect): It appears that the ‘Right Sidebar Blocks’ theme component is causing interference with any custom code placed into « After Header ». When I attempted to add an image right under my header, it did not display. However, after removing the theme component as a test, the image appeared. Just wanted to report it.

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Can we add something like above as a sidebar block? (Suggestion)


Are some basic PRs welcome? I wanted to add some classes to some of the block types to make styling a little more straight forward.


Sure, that sounds like a good improvement.


I’m trying to insert some dynamic content in the right sidebar beneath that big block showing the logged-in user. The custom-html block works fine if I just type in some static HTML, but as soon as I make it a script, it goes blank. Is there a way to get some dynamic content of my own there?

You likely have to allow-list your script or iframe in admin settings.

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I figured it out. It was my theme. I switched to the default theme and customized some CSS and HTML there and now everything works.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Add Chat to Right-Sidebar-Block?