RSS plugin not pulling images

<enclosure url="https://xxxxxxxxxxx/sites/default/files/imagenes/xxx/01/08/xxxxxxx.jpg" length="104801" type="image/jpeg"/>

The rss plugin is not pulling images when they are setup like that. Any ideas?. Did I miss a setting?


Could you integrate to pull images?

Can you explain what you mean, please?

Iā€™m not sure this is what you are asking, but if the RSS feed contains image data, the images are pulled as well.

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Example feed:

Fetch media content:

<media:content url="" medium="image"/>

<enclosure url="" length="840" type="image/jpg"/>

So we got a thumbnail and image for that certain rss feed posts. That would be an amazing integration and already had been requested from @Pedro_Carreras

All pages using thumbnail would profit from this option a lot

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Are you using the embed truncate setting? Images are rendered in full posts, not truncated ones.