[RU] FAQ compilation: Facebook Group vs Discourse

Dear Russian-language speakers,

I’ve compiled a bunch of articles and topics from Meta into a FAQ in Russian language comparing Facebook Groups and Discourse.


It translates as the following: A Forum or a Facebook Group - what’s the difference?

We wrote this article in our Russian Culture Centre forum in Adelaide, Australia as a response to many small local group owners in Facebook who keep asking us “why should we move to your forum”.

We kindly ask you not to copy/paste the same text over to your Russian-speaking community forum without linking to the original article (alternatively, consider just inserting the link and let people read it on our forum — many thanks).


Can we have small discussion about Russian speaking discourse based forums?

Привет, кто использует движок? Как долго? Каков ваш опыт использования? Аудитория?

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But not in this topic
Plus, the questions you asked can still be asked in English, so that others will benefit from the discussion as well.


The links in the first post no longer work. Shall we delete this topic, @meglio, or can you fix the links?

I found it in the Web Archive:

It is about a forum that we no longer run, and some of the data is outdated, so I conclude it is safe to delete the topic.

If I get to it and rewrite it in English and make it up to date, I’ll public it in a new topic.
