Running Discourse docker image in the environment on Amazon EC2 Container Service

I have installed discourse. I have the docker image of discourse. Can anybody help me how to run Discourse docker image in the environment on Amazon EC2 Container Service?

I am getting few errors when I m trying to run the task. It’s getting stopped and giving me errors like this in my logs:

I, [2017-06-27T18:26:47.304367 #13] INFO -- : Loading --stdin
/pups/lib/pups/config.rb:23:in `initialize': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /pups/lib/pups/cli.rb:27:in `new'
from /pups/lib/pups/cli.rb:27:in `run'
from /pups/bin/pups:8:in `<main>'