Running multiple things on the same sever as my Pi (where Discourse is hosted)?

So, I plan to run other things on the same sever as my Pi, which will run Discourse. If I run more Discourse forums on the same Pi, how can I separate them to ensure that they don’t mess with each other?
If I run other websites or stuff, and I put them in Docker containers, will it interfere with the Docker container my Discourse forum is using? What if I used Docker Desktop instead of the command line?

I believe this is the appropriate guide for multiple Discourse instances (with same set of plugins?) in one container.

Not sure how much extra work the Pi can take on but worth a try?


This is discourse multisite no?
There used to be another one titled “running other websites on same machine as discourse” but I can’t seem to find it.

The process overall is straightforward:
Stop discourse,
Install a reverse proxy like nginx
Edit the discourse and reverse proxy configuration
Start discourse
Now if everything goes as planned, the reverse proxy should be serving discourse.
You can create new sites using the same reverse proxy as webserver.

But one word of caution, the Pi is under powered, it might not be able to sustain the load of multiple websites.


This one?


Yes, that’s the one. Thanks @JammyDodger


Would it then be better if I get another server to run other websites on that one, instead of mixing it up with Discourse?

Anyone know about this?