S3_backup_bucket Option Missing From Settings > Backups

I’ve looked around on the forums and searched Google, but I can’t seem to find anything related to this issue. First I went to my site, then Site Settings > Backups where I could have sworn was where to set the AWS S3 bucket to use to store backups under the s3_backup_bucket field. However it’s not there. Google turned up this thread which seems to indicate that is indeed where one sets the S3 bucket to use for backups…

My Discourse version is 2.9.0.beta4. Am I blind :joy:, did the setting move somewhere else? Here’s what my Backups page looks like:

Any help on figuring out where this setting went would be much appreciated!


One possible reason could be that the setting is being declared in your app.yml file.

Declaring it in the yml or env supersedes the Gui values and that could probably be causing it to be hidden from the frontend.


And configuring it with the env variables means that you can do a command line restore using only your app.yml file.

I think that it makes sense to have those settings to always be hidden from the UX.


That does look to be the case! I looked at my app.yml file and sure enough I found the backup bucket settings in there. Thank you!


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