Scheduled recurring topics

This is a proposal and open discussion about this feature.

The use case is discussion on topics that are lasting over a long amount of time and would benefit from a segmentation in time periods rather than the truncate of topics over a certain number of replies.

Some examples:

  • Deals of the week
  • What you watched this month
  • War in Ukraine - Monthly discussion
  • Bi-weekly “what have you been working on”?

A working example can be seen on Tildes

Features in order of development priority IMHO:

  • Allow admin to determine who have access to the feature
  • Allow authorized users to create recurring topics
  • Users specify title and category/tags
  • System optionally add “issue number”, date range (e.g. week 23, December, 1 - 7 January). This would work definitely better with a format and variables rather than preset values
  • When the new topic goes up, the previous is locked and the system link the new one
  • Allow for editing of the schedule/titles for follow up topics (not already created I’d say)