Search Console sitemap html warning

Hello, I added my site to Search Console, I added a sitemap, but I get an error saying that the sitemap is html. I don’t understand why there is this error. When I check the sitemap, there is nothing in the name of html, but for some reason it says html, why does it do this? You can find it here to examine the sitemap.

You have disabled anonymous access; a login is required.

When accessing the sitemap, it’s being redirected to the login page.

yes, I turned off the guest login so that there is an environment that I want only members to use.

Is that why she doesn’t accept it?

Sitemap is for open sites. Because you don’t let bots of search engines in, you don’t do anything with sitemap either and there is absolut no need to use search console either. With members-only you told to Google you don’t want them to index content.

But yes. Googlebot is waiting for sitemap but gets html-page instead, and you see an error. As you should.


Yes, I noticed, I activated the site for guests. Thank you for the information

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