Google Webmaster Can't read sitemap

Hello everyone!
I just switched to Discourse but
I have a problem about Sitemap as follows:

How do I fix it?
Here is my sitemap: and

Thank you very much.

I’ve checked both sitemaps and they’re accessible and valid. For automatic validation, I used an XML Sitemap Validator.

Small websites with fewer than 100 URLs, don’t need a sitemap. Here’s an explanation.

Discourse Sitemap Plugin
In case you haven’t used the Discourse Sitemap Plugin, it adds a sitemap.xml to your Discourse instance.

Submitting your sitemap to Google
As a quick reference, here are the Google guidelines to build and submit a sitemap

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The Discourse Sitemap plugin has now been merged into core, so there should be no need to use the plugin itself. :+1:


I am missing xml tag error for our sitemap. Here is the screenshot

I ran the url against xml validator and it doesn’t detect any issues there. I am on discourse version 3.0.3.

@dpacheco could you please help me with this? Thanks

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I have the same issue, that the sitemaps apart from the sitemap_recent.xml fails if Google wants to fetch the sitemap file.

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I am having the same issue.

  • Sitemap.xml → Sitemap could not be read
  • sitemap_1.xml → SUCCESS
  • sitemap_recent.xml → Missing XML tag

What should be done to fix these errors?
