Sitemap issue

Hi folks,

A few days ago, I added my forum (found at to Google’s search console (found at! In their specified sitemap section, I added my sitemap of course (found at It was a success overall, however I noticed one thing - when clicking on it to further check the data, between the two parts of the sitemap (sitemap_1.xml & sitemap_recent.xml), one part of the sitemap (sitemap_recent.xml) has the following issue (See attached below):

I reached out to (where I’m hosting it from) and they couldn’t seem to reach a fix and suggested I reach out to everyone here.

Validate XML Sitemap - XML Sitemaps Generator produced the following (valid sitemap, no errors):

Dashboard shows I’m running 3.3.0.beta5-dev and I do indeed update daily etc. The sitemap plugin, I’ve constantly enabled as now I’ve noticed it definitely switches itself off (after whatever period of time), for some odd unknown reason! But I do have the general sitemap stuff enabled in the settings ALONE aside from the Plugin available.

Would appreciate a reply/some advice. Thanks in advance!

Do you mean plugin Discourse Sitemap? It should not use anymore, and functionality is in the core.


Was referring to this:

(eventually it’s going to - or so I expect it to - turn itself back off again)

Other that I have the main one enabled as found in the default settings list:

Still, what should I actually do to fix this? Not got a clue.

I would delete discourse sitemap row from app.yml and do rebuilding and see what happends. Just because it shouldn’t be in use and can conflict against version of core.


and see what happens? so your not sure bro? (I do appreciate each reply, just not so much the uncertainty if you get where I’m coming from).

so there’s a chance “it” (the forum or anything important) can break is what your telling me though? I wouldn’t want to have to go through that man. But if I gotta try it, I guess I will in a bit and report back.

You should remove the sitemap plugin from your app.yml as that plugin has been deprecated:

As Jagster says, the sitemap is now included in core so there’s no need to double up, and having it in there could cause conflicts.


No one can’t be totally sure. But you have two plugins doing same thing, and another of those is old and not updated in very long time, and that exacly thing isn’t working for you. So?

Plus practically every forum is using core version, not old plugin, and it looks like you are the only one who has issues.


I deleted the sitemap plugin row entirely and rebuilt the container. Still seeing the original same thing, even after I deleted the sitemap link from the GS Console and readded it.

so… anyone (else?) perhaps got any other solutions… or something? still encountering this in my google search console. how do I fix this?

sitemap_recent show topics from the last 3 days. The last post on your forum was 8 days ago. That’s why your sitemap_recent is empty and show errors


yeah, my bro… I understand that. My question is HOW do I actually fix it? What am I supposed to do? I’m unsure, I’m still learning as I go every day man.

Do you have more fresh topics/post than 6 days old?


At the moment no, everything that you see is up to date, of course. So…

Working on pushing this out to communities but proving a little tricker but I believe I’ll get there as I really think this is a vital initiative, in addition to reaching out to mental health services and attempting to “collaborate” (in some capacity of some sort) so to speak.

But then your recents is empty. Should you do at least one (test)topic and re-check after that if the error will go away?


You need content at least from every 3 days to not have errors in sitemap_recent.

Thats not a problem as its already on your sitemap_1.xml. Your content will be indexed, dont worry.

You can temporally fix it by publishing a new post today and re-submitting your sitemap.

But you always need fresh content if you want the sitemap_recent.

sitemap_recent is a good way to have good content published on Google Discover if you meets the requirements.

Hope its helps.


I’ll give it a shot, test it - wait a bit and see. No harm, no foul.

The thing is the error is saying it’s missing a required tag. I’d assume that means I am supposed to edit it, no? Although obviously I don’t get why/how it’s missing in the first place. So I don’t understand how I’m supposed to have topics flowing through in order to fix a missing tag. Am confused there. If you get me.

But like I also said, I’m still learning so I don’t know everything.
I appreciate everyone’s input regardless of course.

(p.s apologies for the late replies, been very busy lately).

It’s automatically generated by the core. You dont need to edit anything.

Simply create fresh content and re-submit.

Dont worry, as you can see here, your content is already indexed by Google. Sitemap recent is only for Google Discover purposes: like news sites who needs instantly index.


Just wanted to verify this DID indeed work!

So once again thank you to each and everyone of you for your inputs. Much appreciated! :slight_smile:


Glad it was worked. :slightly_smiling_face:

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