See Recently Used Devices

Hello everyone, :wave:

We heard your feedback and as part of :discourse: Discourse 2.2 we introduced a new feature showing Recently Used Devices. This is part of a series of changes that are meant to help you strengthen your account’s security.

Navigating to :gear: Preferences will show a list of all the devices you are currently logged in alongside with some information that can help you identify the device (operating system, browser, location and last seen time).

Click the wrench icon brings up a menu where you can choose to see more details and instructions on how to secure your account or to log out from that location.


Please note that the location is determined from the IP address by querying MaxMindDb which might not always offer accurate results. We have noticed that some IPv6 addresses are returning weird locations and we are working on a solution to it.


And just to make sure, this:

means that these IP addresses are being queried locally, and not sent to a remote service, right?

If so :ok_hand: :100: :raised_hands:


Yes, confirmed, all queries are local


9 posts were split to a new topic: Drupal SSO generates incorrect user sessions