Send a notification when system disables remote image downloading?


I strugged to understand why the remote images weren’t downloaded anymore on my forum.

I finally saw this in the logs:

User Action Subject When Details
system change site setting download_remote_images_to_local Jul 22 New: false
Previous: true
Remote images download was disabled because there wasn’t enough disk space available.

However, I don’t recall having any notification about this.

If no notification is sent, in my opinion, it should be the case (and maybe it should be the case whenever a setting changes without any admin action). If I just missed it… You can just close this topic and do a Nelson-like laugh at me. :sweat_smile:


I think there is a message now, but it could be improved.

I received this personal message today, after upgrading the forum:

Downloading remote images disabled

The download_remote_images_to_local setting was disabled because the disk space limit at download_remote_images_threshold was reached.

The solution for me was:

cd /var/discourse
./launcher cleanup

(Total reclaimed space: 23.09GB)

I wonder whether the message could explain something about the problem and potential solutions.

That’s funny you bump this topic, because I was reading it again this morning.

I actually (again) encountered the same issue yesterday.

I noticed that download_remote_images_to_local was set to false for 3 months on my instance, but however, this time again, I don’t recall having seen a warning. :thinking:

I’m not sure why. I looked in my inbox, but couldn’t find any related message, including in the archives.

I didn’t see a similar message on my instance but let’s ignore this.

What is unclear in the message you had? It seems pretty straightforward to me. As well as for the solution: free some disk space.

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Perhaps it was similar for me and the message only got sent today because I’d updated to the latest version of Discourse. (Edit – just checked and the relevant log entry was made when upgrading today.)

I didn’t say it is unclear. I believe it could be improved. It could link to the documentation, if there is any, or to a forum topic.

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