Sending mail to Netherlands

I am not quite sure what forum to ask this on. I use Amazon SES which i find generally excellent. But any mail sent to any address in Nederlands fails, and I can’t determine the reasons. My self hosted servers are in America, and using MX Toolbox we are not currently on any spam blacklist, although we have been in the past. Can anybody possibly shed any light on this behaviour?


Something that may help is you can provide the name of the mail server your using for your site.


Perhaps same issue as was here?

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Thanks all so far. It’s an Amazon SES server (won’t give personal details here). SES has a very high mail reputation.

I have all the correct DKIM records as specified for the SES identity in DNS.

It’s something specific to all domains with .nl, and only that domain. Very strange.

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Hmm… You could maybe register a domain with sane name but different extension and have one forward to the other and change the extension on the noreply? Maybe.