Separate Notification tab for AI Bot conversations

Finally got around to installing this plugin and it works fantastic. A couple thoughts I had in the first 24hrs of using it:

it would be nice to have a different section for AI helper conversations instead pooled with all other messages.

:point_up: There is a lot of room here for a little robot symbol

:point_up: and a spot here on the messages page

The other thing is that it would be nice to give each helper a predefined model to work with. Right now, the model is chosen before the composer opens. It would be nice to assign the model on the Persona editor. That way, I can optimize cost by assigning GPT3.5 to helpers of low complexity and GPT4 to bots that require higher order thinking.


Hello :wave:
I’ve already written something similar, check out my post.


FYI I just put a link for myself in the sidebar


I’m sorry, I’m not sure if I understood your response correctly.
If you mean a link to the conversation history with the AI bot, then yes, currently, as a workaround, I also place a link to the entire dialogue history with the bot in the side panel for quick access. For example, my link looks like this:

This method might get messy with multiple different agents. Maybe we can auto-tag all AI personal messages with something like #ai-chat?

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Makes sense, also maybe just a proper custom filter. Downside of tag though is that tags on pms are not enabled for everyone so its a bit limiting.

I keep thinking that “discovery of old messages” is one of the biggest pain points today with bot.