Separate settings for public profile and presence?

in preferences, there is one setting for
“Hide my public profile and presence features”

if turn it on, will have user’s profile not accessible to other users, and also hide online status (in chat), seems it is better to separate these 2. say, I want to others to check my public profile info, but 'd like to hide my online status… seems this makes sense ?



no other folks need these functions separated?
maybe most discourse sites are not using the chat much ? haha


I think it’s a small slice of the intersection of two things: people using chat who also care to hide presence.

I personally have wanted this feature, but it hasn’t been something we’ve heard too much about from others yet, to my knowledge.

Edit: There is one other topic about this here: Split profile hiding and presence

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thank for the link, did not find that discussion earlier …

hide presence is a common function in most messaging apps,
my understanding it is not related to opening profile public much…

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As there’s already an open feature request for this, let’s slide this back into support and continue the conversation in the other topic. :+1: