Server load issues (after rebuild hanged)

Ever since a rebuild hanged we’ve been experiencing high loads periodically with no obvious cause (other than it started after that upgrade/hang).

Well tonight I think I was able to manually trigger it - by going to the ACP > Reports > Top Traffic Sources then setting the dates from the beginning of the year to today. So it appears big/complex queries may be triggering it - anyone else experiencing the same or also able to trigger it?

You might need more ram or to give more ram to postgres.

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Do you mean in the container under db_shared_buffers: "4096MB"? It says 25% of total memory (server has 64GB) so Ill try upping this to 10GB.

That’s the only performance related setting I can recall… are there any others we should be aware of or routinely checking/tweaking?

Edit: just looked and there’s also:

  ## can improve sorting performance, but adds memory usage per-connection
  #db_work_mem: "40MB"

Any threads that discuss this anywhere? (Or do you or anyone else have any thoughts?)

Increased to 10GB and tried again - same issue tho.

These problems started after that rebuild hang so I suspect it is something to do with some kind of change from a version around that time :confused:

I’d bump that to at least 100MB

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