Set Slow Mode return a 403 error - I am administrator

Discourse version: 3.2.0.beta3-dev ( d5e8bd790b )

Tried updating via the web UI and rebuilding as well. The error seems to persist.
Before the rebuild I was seeing an error NS_BINDING_ABORTED. Now after the update, the error message is simply a 403 with this body:

{"errors":["You are not permitted to view the requested resource."],"error_type":"invalid_access"}

However I can see that the poll request is returning the NS_BINDING_ABORTED:

However, follow up polls seems to work:

The two things might not be related the main issue is receiving a 403 on setting slow mode on any topic, despite being administrator. Our moderators report the same issue.

We have a very active community and being able to set slow mode is often required to allow the moderation to manage the hot topics.

Set topic timer seems to return the same error.

Maybe the issue is in actions involving timers?

I can set both slow mode and topic timers here on meta, so I’m afraid I can’t replicate this.

Longshot, but do you still have your category moderator enhancer plugin installed and could that be causing any issues?

I should’ve asked if it happens in safe mode?


It is installed but disabled. I thought about it but when disabled it shouldn’t have any impact, right?

I’ll try the safe mode It seems happening in safe mode as well :weary:

Can you confirm which version is running here on meta?

Not necessarily. Disabling it (or using safe mode) only switches off the JavaScript bits, which is where most errors are found. On rare occasions, you need to remove it from your app.yml completely and rebuild without it as it could be a non-JavaScript piece that’s borking things.

We’re updated with the very latest commits pretty much when they’re merged. :slight_smile:

I’ll try a rebuild without the enhanced category mods

Just to write it down, the current plugin list is:

    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins
          - git clone
          - git clone
          - git clone
          - git clone
          - git clone
          - git clone
          - git clone
          - git clone
          - git clone
          # new plugins added on 03/05/2023
          - git clone
          - git clone
          # new plugins added on 12/02/2023
          - git clone
          # new plugins added on 11/06/2023
          - git clone
          # new plugins added on 16/08/2023
          - git clone
    - exec:
        cd: $home/plugins/discourse-animated-avatars
        raise_on_fail: false
          - $home/plugins/discourse-animated-avatars/scripts/

I think there is an issue with animated avatars, though it’s mainly a user page thing (I think)

Oh boy that’s a big one as well, don’t know why Discourse don’t support them by default (as an option maybe) :smiley:

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Yep, confirmed it was our plugin, even if disabled it was preventing the time-based actions to work. REALLY weird.

I’ll add a warning to the plugin topic to recommend removing it temporarily

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I think now some image types of more widely supported it may be going that way :crossed_fingers:


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