Set the homepage to Categories page

Hello. Newly installed on our server. Fully functional but need to set the default landing page to Categories. Can’t seem to see where to do that.

Thanks for your assistance

Hello, just rerun wizard It is safe, all other settings will be kept.


Thanks for the response. I think you’ve misunderstood me. The landing page goes to “Latest” but I would like it to be “Categories”. I have seen it on

Hope this helps.

It’s in the set-up wizard, on the styling page. I think you can nip in straight to the styling page and save it from there:



The layout at forum by link provided is called Categories and Latest Topics.

To set this layout as default for all new users you need to run setup wizard in web browser again, on your forum:

Just click few times Next until you reach the step #7. Then choose homepage style and click Finish.

You may need to clean refresh the page with CTRL+F5.

If you want to set your personal choice, then choose default home page view in your profile:


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