Setting to disable updating the "Last Post" user when editing tags / categories?

Moderators / Admins can tweak the category & topics of others’ topics… Is there a way to have this action not show the Mod/Admin’s user info in the “Last Post” column on a topic listing page?

(perhaps related to Editing tags shouldn't bump the topic's timestamp ? although just now when I added a tag to a topic, the timestamp stayed the same; my user info appears as if I added a post with the timestamp of the last post…)

Did you enable the create post for category and tag changes site setting?


I have that disabled and at the moment changing category will bump.

Nevermind. I didn’t realize I was actually editing OP because I tell who edited and when.

This is not about bumping, but rather about the problem that the user adding the tag is shown as the most frequent poster. The theme @alxndr uses hides small action posts, but the information about users who have posted in a topic is not affected by hiding a post with a theme. That’s why “last reply” for example in the topic map shows another avatar than the visible last poster (you can see the small action post in my screenshot because I used safe mode)


I have this option turned off (as is the default iirc).

Maybe it was enabled two months ago. The setting was removed and readded within that timespan.
And it will soon be removed again

Ah I think you’re right :facepalm:
I’ll keep an eye on it the next time I try editing metadata.
Thank you!