Share drafts for groups

It would be awesome to extend this feature to groups.

It’s been very useful in my collective to draft newsletters over time.


A work-around, that you may have already considered, is a private category that makes all topics wikis. You could then create a “next month newsletter” topic and everyone in the editor group could edit it and when it was ready to post you’d move it to the public category.


That way, would people watching that category or using mailing list mode get notified? Probably better to copy&paste to a new topic.

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Yes. That’s why I suggested that you create a special category that includes only the group that you want to be able to edit the document before it is made public by moving it to the category where people could see it.

Or maybe you suspect that moving the topic to a public category will not generate a notification. I’m pretty sure that it will and that you can move it rather than create a new topic, but I haven’t tested that or checked the source lately. I think I’ve seen more complaints about people getting notifications that they don’t want than people complaining that they weren’t notified.


BTW, this feature was implemented. :partying_face: Well, not exactly, since it’s extended to trust levels and not groups, but it’s good enough, since you can restrict the Shared Drafts category to the groups you want.

There are two settings you can use:

SiteSetting Description
shared_drafts_category A specific category dedicated to shared drafts. It must exist before using this setting
shared_drafts_min_trust_level Who can see and edit shared drafts (I guess it should match the above category’s security settings)