Share link in new post / reply / message?

Hi all,

So I noticed there is the link to share a post/reply as a linked topic, and in messages its possible to share a message as a message and maybe change the recipients. I was wondering if it would be useful to do other combinations like:

  • share a post as a reply in another thread (instead of starting a new thread) (I guess you would just link it into the body of your reply though?)
  • share a post as a private message
  • share a private message as a thread (probably not, it is not necessarily fair to allow one party to invalidate the secrecy of both parties, ethical issue)

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

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You can currently convert topics to PMs and vice versa. Is that what you mean?


Maybe, I canā€™t seem to find this though, I donā€™t have the option in any of the ā€˜Shareā€™ buttons, is it somewhere else, or maybe requires higher trust level?

Itā€™s in the Composer, the top left icon is a button which serves a short menu:


Itā€™s not immediately obvious, though, I agree - intuitively you might think it would be a button on the bottom of a post, specifically the sharing button.


Ah thanks for that I understand now! Iā€™m in the dark theme at the moment, and I didnā€™t notice the icon was a button. Also, I generated the feedback when I was in the share button just looking around. Probably a user who wanted to reply in a message would hit reply instead of share.

What if you wanted to forward the post to someone as a message? Would people do that rather than invite someone to the topic?

Maybe keeping the distinction between off-site and on-site interactions is useful?

whoa! I have been using discourse for years and never noticed this feature. thanks! :seedling:


Choose New message and enter the username of the third party


Which kind of proves my point about how intuitive this is :wink:

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Itā€™s a power user feature, like keyboard shortcuts. Why would that be surprising? Keyboard shortcuts arenā€™t ā€œintuitiveā€ either, but thatā€™s hardly the point, now is itā€¦


Thereā€™s no doubt itā€™s an extremely useful feature

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So is the command line, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s right for everyone, and should be elevated and presented as the primary interface.


Yes, new users struggle with the obvious stuff, I get how you wouldnā€™t want to present this too obviously on the basic controls, it would confuse.

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