Share your use cases of using Discourse REST API 🧑‍💻

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

Many people use the Discourse API for various purposes, from automated tasks to interactions with other applications.

Can you share how you use it?

  • At what end?

  • What technology/software/programming language do you use for this matter?

Here’s how I use it to give a few examples:

  • I use a reviewable item webhook that executes a PHP script, which uses Discourse’s API to trigger automatic spammer deletion. With many flagged posts each day in my community, and with a spam detection accuracy of 100%, it makes the admins and moderators’ work easier as they don’t have to manually review most of these accounts anymore (I wouldn’t recommend using such a method though, I carefully thought and tested it before using it).

  • Use a Ko-Fi (a donations website) webhook that will use Discourse’s API via a PHP script to update a theme component’s setting value. The goal is to have a donation progress bar shown on Discourse that will be updated in real-time.

  • I use it for testing purposes with Insomnia. It can be to populate my test instance with specific content, test requests when thinking about projects I’d like to create, help people on meta, etc.

What about you? Feel free to be exhaustive, I’m sure there are many interesting use to hear about :slight_smile:

Reference topic about the API: Discourse REST API Documentation
Official documentation:


I run a forum for amateur meteologists (weather watchers). Myself and another person provide a feed of weather data which hundreds of other people across the world use to generate their own hyper-local forecasts.

One of our users has written some complex statistical scripts to check his forecast quality and also check the availability of the feeds. If his scripts find missing, broken or delayed data in the feeds they create a post in the forum category that’s used to support the forecasting software which allows the other forecasters know there’s a problem that might affect them too.

The scripts to detect feed anomalies use PHP. They generate a JSON file describing the issue and then use cURL to upload the post via the API.


I did a lot of experimenting recently with various platforms that provide chaining together steps, and I’ll share one that got me excited: Optical Character Recognition to detect text in an image, and appending it to the Discourse post!

My sandbox topic shows how it works: Testing OCR calls - sandbox - notes

I did the first one on Pipedream, and I will explain how I did it by following along the steps. There is a beta feature for sharing workflows on that service, and the following is shared at

:information_source: While this would make for an in-depth guide to using Pipedream with Discourse, I’m going to stay light on details, as I’ve already moved on from that platform, and will be sharing more about that later. :slight_smile:


The rough outline is: send image URL to Google Cloud Vision API, run the results through ChatGPT, then append the results to the post in Discourse.


Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 11-23-21 OCR Test - Pipedream

This provides a webhook to send data to. In Discourse I created a webhook with two specific settings:

Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 11-24-41 Admin - notes

Only firing on Post Events means my initial topic won’t trigger the process; this is useful to me so I can plan to use topics as holders for applying external functions (I call them “functional notes”).

Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 11-24-52 Admin - notes

Only firing on that tag means I can use tags to control which webhooks are produced per topics; generally I’d only have one “functions” tag, to keep the process logic simple.

The webhook sends a payload with lots of info, and we’ll use the topic and post IDs later in the process.

End based on condition

This is a step to check if an edit reason is included. If so, it stops the workflow.

In the last step I update the post and include an Edit Reason, and this check ensures that I don’t keep updating the post… :sweat_smile:

:information_source: One of reasons I stopped using Pipedream was because my webhook checks were eating up credits on the service. I don’t think I should have to pay to conditionally process a webhook, hence moving on…

Extract the image URL

I decided for this test each post would have a single image uploaded to it. This step checks the “cooked” value and uses the following regular expression to grab the URL:


Google Cloud Vision API call

This is a custom code step on Pipedream. The pre-made components didn’t do want I wanted, and the service also has a code assistant that can write code from a prompt; as these API calls are straightforward, it was easy to produce with this method.

It takes the value of the former step ({{steps.extract_by_regular_expression.$return_value[0].match}}), and this is the code:

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform";

export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    imageUrl: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Image URL",
      description: "URL of the image to be processed by Google Vision API",
    apiKey: {
      type: "string",
      label: "API Key",
      description: "Your Google Cloud API Key",
      secret: true,
  async run() {
    const url = `${this.apiKey}`;
    const body = {
      requests: [
          image: {
            source: {
              imageUri: this.imageUrl,
          features: [
              type: "TEXT_DETECTION",

    const config = {
      method: "POST",
      data: body,

    const response = await axios(this, config);
    return response;

ChatGPT for editing

Takes output from the former step ({{steps.google_cloud.$return_value.responses[0].fullTextAnnotation.text}}) and passes it as the User message. For the system message I have:

You are reading the output from a vision api that detected text in an image. Review the message and copyedit it for clarity. Return only the edited text without commentary.

Append to the post in Discourse

Another custom code section, as the pre-made Discourse actions in Pipedream only cover a couple of scenarios (create a topic or a post), and I want to append the text to the post.

First, here’s the code:

import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform";

export default defineComponent({
  props: {
    discourse: {
      type: "app",
      app: "discourse",
    postId: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Post ID",
      description: "The ID of the post to append text to",
    text: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Text",
      description: "The text to append to the post",
    editReason: {
      type: "string",
      label: "Edit Reason",
      description: "The reason for editing the post",
      optional: true,
  async run({ steps, $ }) {
    const url = `https://${this.discourse.$auth.domain}/posts/${this.postId}.json`;
    const response = await axios($, {
      method: "GET",
      url: url,
      headers: {
        "Api-Username": `${this.discourse.$auth.api_username}`,
        "Api-Key": `${this.discourse.$auth.api_key}`,

    const updatedText = `${response.raw} ${this.text}`;

    return await axios($, {
      method: "PUT",
      url: url,
      headers: {
        "Api-Username": `${this.discourse.$auth.api_username}`,
        "Api-Key": `${this.discourse.$auth.api_key}`,
      data: {
        post: {
          raw: updatedText,
          edit_reason: this.editReason,

Those properties for step are filled in like so:

Post ID

Grabs the post ID from the original payload: {{}}

This is used to edit that post directly.



[details="Detected text"]

Basically, I want to add a horizontal rule beneath each image, with a blockquote of edited text, and the details to check the raw output.

Since each post will have one image in it, this works very easily. I wonder how to do it with multiple images at once? :thinking:

Edit Reason

OCR Text Detection

This is added as the edit reason for the post update, which will prevent a post update loop due to the step at the beginning. :point_up: :recycle: :ng:

:information_source: I find it super helpful to always include an edit reason, especially when dealing with external services.

And that’s it! As you can see from my sandbox, it works fairly well!

I have a trip coming up, and I plan on fine-tuning the OpenAI editing to also translate to English if needed, that is one option I would have added to the system prompt for this workflow.