Show Categories on main page for new visitors and Recent for logged in members

Could you help me configure this?


You can use Custom Homepage for Groups


Hmm how do I implement this?

The link provided for theme-component has instructions for setup.

You can for example just use the override option for anonymous visitors. This group is ppl visiting without an account.

This site setting iirc you can reorder it to have “New” or "latest to top of menu to show New topics or latest for recent topics.

The anon override will show instead for users not logged in.



This is Meta’s copied link from side bar “All categories”. Copy link from your side bar for ease.

Component setting page

If you reorder top menu to new or latest. Lastest will include new and topics with replies.

  • Alternatively in the first area in pic put “/latest”

In Anonymous enter a link as I provided above. “/Categories”

Just remember to add component to your themes.