Show different header logo based on category?

Is there a way to show a different main logo in the header (top left) when browsing threads within a certain category or their sub categories? Thank you.

I believe the body includes a class category-{category here}, which you could use to change category specific CSS.

I don’t know how to execute a script after the page content have loaded (I’m interested to know that too!), but for changing the logo image, you could do this:

// in a condition like if category == "somecategory" then…
document.getElementById("#site-logo").src = settings.theme_uploads.logo_cat1;

where logo_cat1 is the variable name of a custom logo:

I recently had this problem also. I realise this is an old topic, but here’s a solution in case someone comes by.

You can use CSS and utilize the classes on the body element to detect which category you are in.

// Dont show regular site logo
body.category-something #site-logo {
    display: none;

// Show another image in the title
body.category-something .home-logo-wrapper-outlet {
    height: 50px;
    width: 100px;
    background-image: url($category-something-image);

Hope that makes sense :slight_smile:

I think you’d need to put your image on the <a> element, else the logo link will just collapse.

// Show another image in the title
body.category-something .d-header .title a {

Ah, right, I was mostly focussing on the CSS selectors. Thanks for correcting that.

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