Show number of topics/replies in subcategories

Hello, I’m installing discourse, and I’m looking to have this kind of layout:

(This comes from

I managed to get this kind of subcategories display using the wizard and selecting “Subcategories with Featured Topics”, but I’d like to show:

  • the number of topics
  • the number of replies
  • the last update topics

(Basically just like the examples above)

  • Is this possible from a hidden settings?
  • If not, is there some kind of plugin/component to do so?
  • If not and I’ll have to code it myself, what would be the best/easiest way of doing this?

Thanks a lot!

I ended up writing a script in my common Head

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="components/parent-category-row">
  <!-- ... -->
    <td class="topics">

  <!-- ... -->

It works for the topic count, but I didn’t find a way to display the number of reply yet…