Show total votes next to total replies, views and activity columns

Is there an easy way to shows total votes an post next to the total replies, views and “last activity” columns in the category list view?


i also want to know how to do this.

This would be useful for us too.

Another option would to in include “Votes” be a searchable criteria in the default search menu.

Any other known workarounds?


Is there still no news on this? I need a way to show the ‘likes’ column in the posts overview and an option to sort posts by number of likes.

This is super important to be able to organize bug-reports by priority.

I found this plugin:

But it feels super messy:

  • it creates a new ‘votes’, now overlapping with ‘likes’, which makes some people like the post, other people vote on it, and makes it hard to know which of those votes are unique;
  • and it still doesn’t display the number of votes in the thread-list, which defeats the whole point;

Would be really nice to get a reply from anyone from the dev’s here, this post is so old already.

This is false. The plugin hides likes in the OP by default, so not such thing happens.

This is also untrue :roll_eyes:.

I not only shows the number of votes for each topic in the list, it also adds a “Votes” sorting button at the top of the topic list.

Have you had the chance to try it? You can see it live at Features - Infinite Flight Community


sorry, I based my questions on the screenshots. I will give it a try.
also, thanks for providing a link with a live version!

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The limited amount of total votes and the fact that users get the vote back when a topic is closed make it a very powerful tool for

Let us know how it goes!


quick question: is there a way to display the votes on the right? maybe instead of the number of replies or topic views?

I was first searching for it as one of the bigger indicators on the right, a bit of an unexpected location. Not a dealbreaker of course :slight_smile:

That isn’t configurable, but since the information is there you can develop a theme-component that accomplishes that.

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What would a theme component that includes that look like?

Is there a way to do a similar thing with search results?