Showing an adaptive "server too busy" page

Could Discourse be self-aware of the load on system resources?

If an instance was beginning to slow or be overloaded by users, could Discourse begin closing connections?
First anonymous users not active for say 30 minutes.
Then 15 minutes - 10 - 5 … then make the forum viewable by members only if the server was really busy?
In a nutshell. Prioritising server resources in favour of active/logged in users.

I wonder… better to get a stronger host or drive away would-be users?

Are you offering to pay?
Of course throwing bucketfuls of cash into excess cores and memory is fantastic but for people running small forums in the minimum droplet. The next option is double the price.
It could be unexpected traffic.
On a cold wet November evening when your site suddenly gets 25% more users than at anytime before.
This might be a useful feature. Members first. It could encourage sign up.

I think this is a really interesting idea. For those of us with limited server resources it would be a great feature. It could be something similar to what Reddit, Twitter, Imgur and others show when they’re reaching their limits.

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