"Sign In with LinkedIn" method deprecated by LinkedIn

Not strictly a “bug,” but as @Hifihedgehog notes, this appears to be broken by changes made by LinkedIn. Not sure if we should ask for the plugin to be updated, or for confirmation that the OAuth2 Basic plugin should be used instead.


I see this working on some instances we host that already had it enabled. Are you having trouble setting this up on a new site?


Correct. And the other issue is when I had to renew the LinkedIn integration too, the renewal no longer works. So I would wager eventually many others will be coming here with the same issue as myself and @ToddZ.


Thanks, we will do some more testing and get back to you.


Hi @pmusaraj should we use another plugin for LinkedIn to work ?

Thanks in advance



Still working on our side (hosted instance)

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That is correct. It will still work if you do not have your API key expire but if it does and you attempt to reconfigure, it will fail to do so.



Could you please provide an update on the progress regarding the 'Sign in With LinkedIn’ issue for new/revierified setups? (We are evaluating Discourse for an application where this is expected to be the primary login method, making it a pressing matter for us. :slight_smile:

Thank you!


Hello, Joachim! :wave:

We have started some work related to social logins this week. This will include fixes and regular checks that test if social logins are working on your instance. I can not give you a concrete timeline yet, but wanted you to know we’re on it. :pray:


A short update here. We have started work to implement the new LinkedIn authentication method.

The plan is to leave the plugin untouched for the benefit of those who still have the grandfathered app setup in LinkedIn. Instead we will add a new authentication method in core (similar to Twitter, Facebook, and GitHub) which is something we wanted to do anyway.


Thanks, Looking forward to a solution.

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Hi there, have the same problem and just spent hours trying to work out what I’d done wrong. Looking forward to a fix, thanks!

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Thank you for your patience. :pray: This dragged on a bit, because it coincided with an upgrade of the omniauth gem, and we went back and forth a bit on how this piece fits.

There is a PR up that will add support for the LinkedIn OIDC authentication method to core. Once that is merged I will refresh and add to the documentation here on meta.


The PR is now merged, and the documentation has been updated. Feel free to take it for a spin. :bowing_man:


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