Configure LinkedIn OpenID Connect login for Discourse


  1. Visit Developers | LinkedIn and click on the nice Create app button in the middle of the screen and follow the process it walks you through.
  • There is a handy link to their help pages there/
  • :information_source: You’ll need an appropriate LinkedIn Page; this cannot be changed later so make sure you have one ready.
  1. Enable the Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect product.

  2. Under Auth, grab the credentials:

  3. On your Discourse site, use the credentials to configure the following site settings:

  • linkedin_oidc_client_id
  • linkedin_oidc_client_secret
  1. Also under Auth, add an authorized redirect URL, e.g.:
    (replacing the https with http and with the full qualified domain/subdomain of your Discourse site.)

  2. Enable the authentication method in your Discourse instance using the enable_linkedin_oidc_logins site setting.