Configure LinkedIn OpenID Connect login for Discourse


  1. Visit Developers | LinkedIn and click on the nice Create app button in the middle of the screen and follow the process it walks you through.
  • There is a handy link to their help pages there
  • :information_source: You’ll need an appropriate LinkedIn Page; this cannot be changed later so make sure you have one ready.
  1. Request Access the Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect under your Products tab.

  2. Once the Sign-In with LinkedIn product is enabled, click on the View_endpoints button followed by Auth to grab the credentials:

  3. On your Discourse site, use the credentials to configure the following site settings:

  • linkedin_oidc_client_id
  • linkedin_oidc_client_secret
  1. Also under Auth, add an authorized redirect URL, e.g.:
    (replacing the https with http and with the full qualified domain/subdomain of your Discourse site.)

  2. Enable the authentication method in your Discourse instance using the enable_linkedin_oidc_logins site setting.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-07-18T10:14:58Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

4 posts were split to a new topic: LinkedIn OIDC client secret not correctly validating nee format

The key format does not match


The discourse team has made updates consistent with linkedin’s update in the source code, please update your discourse page.
Read it LinkedIn OIDC client secret not correctly validating new format - #4 by ted

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Fun, this feature is not enabled on this Discourse :wink: