Hello! It seems that the Sign Up button we had setup next to the Login button is no longer displaying and I see an error in the console saying “[THEME NAME] decorateWidget: Could not find widget ‘header-buttons’ in registry”
The way this button was added until now, as far as I’m aware, was via Customize → Themes with a script like this:
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version='0.8.12'>
api.decorateWidget('header-buttons:after', function (helper) {
if (!api.getCurrentUser()) {
return helper.attach('link', {
href: 'https://www.bassbuzz.com/account/signup',
rawLabel: 'Sign Up',
className: "btn btn-primary btn-small login-button"
I’ve read some similar topics like this Add button in header for logged in users - #3 by Lilly, but I always get the error of “header-icons” not found in registry.
I have also tried this and it’s the same result:
<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version='0.8.12'>
api.decorateWidget('header-buttons:after', helper => {
if (!api.getCurrentUser()) {
return helper.h('li', [
helper.h('a.btn.btn-primary.btn-small.login-button', {
href: 'https://www.bassbuzz.com/account/signup'
}, 'Sign Up')
I also looked at the documentation here: Beginner's guide to developing Discourse Themes , but I can’t seem to figure out what I’m missing.
Is there a setting that might prevent the code above from functioning? It has worked before, not sure when it stopped working. Does anyone have any advice? Thank you in advance!