Sign-ups vs activations on admin dashboard

Does the chart on the admin dashboard show just sign-ups or activated sign-ups? I’m guessing it is the former. Would it be possible to either change it to the latter or add the latter onto the chart?

The reason is, that I recently had some kind of forum failure (guessing it was Sidekiq) which meant activation emails were not sent out. Had the drop in activations been plotted on the chart, we would have spotted this quickly. As it was, we’ve lost 3 weeks of new member sign-ups.

Showing both would also give an indication of how many sign-ups fully convert - this would also be a great feature, to show the funnel between (unique visits → signup → activation → TL0 → etc. → TL4).

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It looks like it is just new users without activation (no explicit

I’ll let the team know about this feedback, thanks! In the meantime, you can use the data explorer to send messages to you about user signups each week.