Site Glitch Content Not Showing Up

We have created a community site on self hosted platform and it worked perfectly but after we changed some portion in theme the site had become very strange, content is not showing up and the header is repeating atleast 10 times in a single page have attached the screenshot below. The portal looks fine but when we login the content is not shown.

Please see and suggest some steps to get the community portal working again.

Hey, welcome to Meta :wave:

What customizations did you add?

Looking at the forum, it looks okay on my side:

On a side note, you can use the safe mode if customizations are blocking you. This way you can enter the admin panel again and disable them. :+1:


The problem occurs when the admin login’s and see’s the content.
Apart from that with login to other person and without login to us it looks fine.

We have just added the banner image component in our theme nothing else.

I feel there might be some request limit issues sort of thing.

Are there any errors in your /logs or in the browser console that could provide more details?

Also, the repeating header sounds like this issue Resolving "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier #..." caused by Cloudflare Auto Minify.


These are the logs at /logs ,what can be done for this?
We have tried rebuilding the container but that didn’t worked, some of the admin account is working fine but for my admin account the error still prevails.

I have tried the safe mode also but there also, no content is shown.
Could you please help me out.

Are there any errors in the browser console?

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Yes there are some errors in console, attaching the screenshots here.

I used Firefox now and it seems fine but in Chrome and Edge the error still prevails, hope any user of our community doesn’t face problem with this.

Still facing issue in browser and in some browser the banner on home page comes and in some it didn’t.
Please help me out ASAP

Did you try the steps in the topic Jammy suggested?

yes we had done the steps on Cloudflare.
But it is still not working properly

Your assets are still being minified by cloudflare:

Please run through the instructions again. In particular, the ‘clear cache’ bit is easy to miss


This error is been thrown in the browser

Is there any other alternative as we can’t do the Auto Minify step because our website would also get effected directly .

What’s your opinion on it’s effect on our main website?
Is there any other way to tackle the situation?

Cloudflare’s ‘Auto Minify’ system is end-of-life, and will be removed imminently:

It does not support modern JS syntaxes, and therefore breaks Discourse’s code before it reaches the browser.

So I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do on the Discourse side to fix this. Cloudflare’s Auto Minify feature is broken and no longer supported :sweat:

The general advice is that minification should be done ‘at build time’ instead. That’s what we do at Discourse, and it might already be the case for your main website as well.

Here’s a discussion about the feature’s deprecation on Cloudflare’s own community:


We disable ‘Auto Minify’ & also Clean Cache but it still same issue also showing this error :
Uncaught (in promise) Error: There is no route named admin

The root cause is the errors further up, which say things like

Unexpected identifier ‘#s

Your assets are still showing as minified. If you’ve definitely disabled the auto-minify feature, and you’ve totally purged the cache, then I’d suggest getting in touch with cloudflare support to see why it’s still messing with the assets:

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