Social share component with WhatsApp Web

So, you can use a trick to use both whatsapp (on mobile) and whatsapp web (on desktop) without problems.

You need to use 2 different icon. In the example below I will use

  • whatsapp for Whatsapp and
  • whatsapp-square for WhatsApp Web
  1. Add both social links inside the theme component setting:
    a. WhatsApp,fab-whatsapp,share with WhatsApp,
    b. WhatsApp Web,fab-whatsapp-square,share with WhatsApp Web,

  2. Add fab-whatsapp and fab-whatsapp-square in the svg icon component setting.
    The result will be:

  3. Now create a new theme component, go to the common > CSS tab of the component and add:

    .desktop-view .social-link .fa.d-icon.d-icon-fab-whatsapp.svg-icon.svg-string, 
    .mobile-view .social-link .fa.d-icon.d-icon-fab-whatsapp-square.svg-icon.svg-string {
      display: none;

    Add this new component in the main theme(s) of your site.
    In this way on desktop you will have only the whatsapp-square icon that will send you to WhatsApp Web.

    On mobile there will be only the whatsapp icon that will open the app