I was looking at my profile earlier to change something and I noticed that although I have 162 solutions, I don’t seem to have the Solution Institution badge.
This is probably my inner child still motivated by badges
I was looking at my profile earlier to change something and I noticed that although I have 162 solutions, I don’t seem to have the Solution Institution badge.
This is probably my inner child still motivated by badges
Are more than 12 solutions marked by yourself on your own topics? That is likely the reason.
I’ve just had a quick look and the way I word the posts that are marked as solutions they are all directed at someone else if that makes sense.
Looking at your user profile page it clocks 162 solutions, however if you look at the tally in your user card it’s 150 [1].
Checking out the badge page for Solution Institution it seems you got the badge 18 hours ago, so yesterday’s solution tipped you over the threshold
There are some caveats to what counts as an eligible solution for the badge (no self-solves, no solutions on deleted topics, etc), so that may be where the discrepancy between the profile page number and the other tallies is coming from. It seems likely that the calculation for the profile page number needs an update for consistency.
and if you look at the ‘all time’ user directory it’s 149, but the daily job to update the directory hasn’t run yet today ↩︎
Hey Jammy
Thank you for the explanation I never noticed that solutions were displayed on the usercard and the discrepancy between the card and profile page. I think it’s likely to come from deleted topics.
Just an update here that we’ve standardised this discrepant value from over in this bug report - Solved count in summary displaying incorrect values - #13 by nat.