Some existing icon classes are not working after the icon upgrade

@pmusaraj Some existing icon classes are not working after the icon upgrade. For example map-marker, e.g.


Seperately, would it be possible to retain a fallback to the existing font-awesome icon fonts? The new svgs are great, however the hard cutover means that you have to use the icon-library helper methods everywhere right now.

Basic icon html, e.g.

<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i>

no longer works. Which is fine long term, but it means all existing implementations like this broke on the upgrade.

If this is not possible then no worries. Iā€™m going through all my plugins right now anyway.


We have reverted the change for the time being while we do some prep work

Expect both PRs from us on your plugins and a dev how to about the new world order post font awesome upgrade from @pmusaraj and team. moving to 5 was a big change