Some links generated by Amazon are not correctly interpreted. Here is an exemple:érieure-jazz-musiques-improvisées/dp/2907891030?_mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=partition+int%C3%A9rieure&qid=1625013895&sr=8-1&linkCode=ll1&tag=theoriemusicale-21&linkId=87d44c3dedd4b919e02195911a7a2b0d&language=fr_FR&ref=as_li_ss_tl
Here is the link:
The problem seems to come from the double underscore
Still no deadlines. Good news is: i finally rolled out to production my new forum software (why a lot of resources been spent to create markdown-it). So, chances to fix this bug changed from “far infinity” to “some future”
@sam, help required. I need info, can links from real world end with _, ~, - or +.,wer- and so on.
That’s important to know before markdown-it's linkifier rewrite. Could you grep some huge postings databases for such cases and let me know if anything found or not found? Probably, those links were posted as <...> for workaround. So, regexp pattern for db scan will be something like /<http.+[+~_-]>/g (not tested)
I have no access to such big volume of markdown texts to reach acceptable confidence. May be you could help, or know anyone who could help?