Some way to set DMs as default when opening chat?

I could define PM as only one chat cause open rooms don’t make sense to my instance

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Hi @eisammy !
Do you mean using PMs as a way to replace Chat?

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Or just disable chat rooms

Like here at Meta where you can only send direct messages?
For this, you can close or delete all existing channels.

To disable chat in general, you can disable the ‘chat enabled’ site setting.

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But even if was deleted or closed when I open chat as default it show to me rooms and not pm I wish a way when I open it show me pm first but i think that with css this will be solved til a native function.

I have the same problem. I disabled public channels and when I click to the chat bubble I go to channels, but theres no channel and I cannot create one brecause it is disabled (I don’t want channels)

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Hey folks :wave: We’re working on an update that will hide chat’s Channels option in the footer when enable public channels is disabled. I think that should resolve this issue! I don’t have an ETA on exactly when the update will be ready, but we’ll follow up here with more information when it’s available.


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