Cannot access chat messages through chat icon

When I click on the chat icon, it just tells me

“You have not joined any channels, yet!”

We don’t use chat channels. Before I could choose chat channels or chat but now that option is gone. I can’t get to my chat messages anymore without going full screen.



I don’t understand. If you don’t use chat why do you have it enabled? And when you don’t have chat channels what users should do with chat?

Or do you mean it shouldn’t offer such generic info text if only private chats are in use?

I experienced this yesterday.

I got a notification of a chat message and if I click the notification to see the message I get that error. I have to click the dm on the left side panel to find the chat to reply to it.

I didn’t say I don’t use chat. I said I don’t use chat channels. There was a very clear distinction between them that I don’t personally understand–but when I used to click on the chat shortcut, there was a choice to click on chat channels or chat messages. I always thought channels were group chats, but heck if I know–I don’t use them. A few weeks ago at most, it started defaulting to chat channels instead of messages, which was annoying as it was an extra click to get to my messages. Now it goes to chat channels without the option of seeing my messages. I can’t possibly explain any better, so here’s a screenshot:

Notice, no DM’s available. If I expand it to fullscreen, however, poof–they’re all there.

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A PR was merged to solve this. I believe it solves your issue; if it does not, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!