Turning a topic into interactive fiction ;)

:information_source: check out the plugin version of this here: Discourse Frotz - an Interactive Fiction game bot 🧙

After whitelisting the URL, I embedded this iframe into a post in the Lounge for a bit of fun.

Result?: A fully working piece of classic Interactive Fiction embedded in a post that doesn’t look too out of place :slight_smile: (although you do need to manually scroll)

Why?: because you can

<iframe src="https://iplayif.com/?story=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.douglasadams.com%2Fcreations%2Fhhgg.z3" width="800" height="800" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Feel free to pull me up on security if you believe this is opening a hole … but iplayif.com is legit, I believe, here’s its GitHub page

In case you are not a Douglas Adams fan, you can find much more great work here.



I hadn’t used the Admin / Settings / Security / allowed iframes config setting before, but putting in https://iplayif.com/ in there and adding that iframe into a post worked great.


Yeah, it’s amazing how seamless the result can look :slight_smile:

PS Please don’t let it distract you too much from your interesting project, though :wink:

Oh wauw - only just discovered this, but THANK YOU!

Well, there goes my Sunday …

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Not sure how I just came across this but it’s lots of fun and combined with the Media Overlay component you can pop out the game and have it open as you continue browsing the rest of your forum, though you’ll want to make the iframe a little narrower so if doesn’t cover so much of the page. I found a width="400" works well

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OK, I’ve taken this a bit further … watch this space :wink:


The above prototype is now released here Discourse Frotz


This is cool! I’m the maintainer of Parchment/iplayif.com, so it’s great to see it getting used.

Unfortunately I haven’t had the time or energy to work on it much recently. I would like to improve how it works when embedded in an iframe.


Hey @Dannii great to meet you. For the stories I tried it works very well save for the very minor scrolling issue. Thanks for your hard work to help keep all that great legacy alive!

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