SparkPost just suspended the mail account I used with Discourse

My forum was also automatically suspended by SparkPost’s algorithm. They sent an email however to detail their best practices to avoid this happening again in the future. Is this something I can fix or would Discourse developers need to change the way email settings work?

In an effort to keep our systems free of abuse and fraud, we deploy an unprecedented set of automated detection systems that suspend accounts based on unique algorithms looking for patterns, activities and metrics. We have reviewed your account and have determined qthat you are not in violation of our messaging policy, however, we do have a set of recommendations to share upon reactivation.

To get good deliverability, all senders should be following best practices when it comes to list hygiene. You should not regularly send to subscribers who have not engaged (opened or clicked) on your messages within the past three months. Any subscriber that has not engaged in the past 12 months should be permanently removed from your recipient lists. It is important that ISPs see positive engagement statistics and low spam trap hits, complaint rates, and minimal inactive subscribers to continue delivering to the inbox and maintain a good reputation.

By following these recommendations in your mail practices you will continue to see good overall delivery as well as minimize the risk of a future suspension by our automated systems.

There is a site setting that determines how long to keep sending summary emails. It sounds like if you want to use spark post you should reduce that limit to 90 days.


One thing not mentioned, but should have been, is to configure the bounce handling. If you don’t do that, Discourse can’t possibly know when to stop sending email to failed email addresses that no longer work.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Sparkpost problems