Spoiler but only admins can see it

Is there a way to introduce a “spoiler” text style, but only the admins can see it? This is useful for when members need to post sensitive info.

There’s not a way to do this at the moment, our spoilers are mostly hidden using CSS which would be very insecure for sensitive info… perhaps this would be better suited for PMs using Discourse Encrypt (for Private Messages)?


I understand. I think it’s a good feature. I recently moved customer support to my discourse community and an admin-only spoiler would be icing on the cake.

I’m a software developer that’s trying to get into discourse. Would something like this be possible to create with the plugin platform?

From the “What’s the simplest thing that could possibly work” department… a link that creates a PM to the appropriate group is probably best.

e.g.: Upload your proof here

[Upload your proof here](https://meta.discourse.org/new-message?groupname=proofreview&title=My%20proof)

(this link won’t work for Meta since we have no proofreview group)

A theme component that added a button to a topic or post that created such a PM with a link back to the original post would probably suit well.