Spoiler Tag Not Working

When a member uploaded images with a spoiler tag applied, the images were fully visible. When I go to edit the post, the preview shows the images as correctly blurred, but the images keep being openly visible.

Just having a quick check. :slightly_smiling_face:

[spoiler]![magazine-unlock-01-2.3.2022120201-_B7689D1F03D907E734B3C82D45CBFF29|281x500, 20%](upload://ijAdzT4ZltWCSQ3kXmqRSa7qHLp.jpeg)[/spoiler]

Is there something different about the format of the ones being uploaded to your site?

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I don’t think so?

Seems you use two images

![magazine-unlock-01-2.3.2022120201-_B7689D1F03D907E734B3C82D45CBFF29|281x500, 20%](upload://ijAdzT4ZltWCSQ3kXmqRSa7qHLp.jpeg)
![magazine-unlock-01-2.3.2022120201-_B7689D1F03D907E734B3C82D45CBFF29|281x500, 20%](upload://ijAdzT4ZltWCSQ3kXmqRSa7qHLp.jpeg)[/spoiler]

So the problem is reproducible, if two images are used.

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Nice catch @moin :+1: :slight_smile:

For more than one image on separate lines I think you either have to wrap them separately for individual blurring, or have the wraps on their own lines like this for them both to be covered:

![magazine-unlock-01-2.3.2022120201-_B7689D1F03D907E734B3C82D45CBFF29|281x500, 20%](upload://ijAdzT4ZltWCSQ3kXmqRSa7qHLp.jpeg)
![magazine-unlock-01-2.3.2022120201-_B7689D1F03D907E734B3C82D45CBFF29|281x500, 20%](upload://ijAdzT4ZltWCSQ3kXmqRSa7qHLp.jpeg)

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Thank you all for the clarification!

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