Spoiler vs Hide Details, what are the use cases for these options?

It seems to me that ‘Hide Details’ (to hide a portion of a post) and ‘Blur’ (to blur a portion of a post) have similar impact, so what are the uses cases for using one vs the other?

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Personally, I use hide details when a large chunk of text (eg, logs and such) needs to be tucked away, and spoiler more for, well, spoilers or stuff that maybe has a trigger warning or soemthing.


I was thinking about posting sort of a quiz, where there are multiple answers with varying degrees of correctness and using either blur or details to hide the explanation of the answers. Looks like either would have pretty much the same result as long as I let people know at the bottom of the quiz not to look at the answers before they’re ready for them.


Hide detail is useful for readability, hiding extra details that may be less relevant, providing additional information, or simply organizing large post content (guide, etc). Typically, like Fireup said, logs or many images, but also a whole section, for example.

Blur spoiler, to be honest, I rarely see people use it. I would use it for relevant text, but you want to warn the user before he sees this part.

In your case, it depends on how much information you have to display. If you have a lot of content, using details is a good choice; otherwise, both are fine.

I use both. Hide details for additional information in a long post, essentially and just as stated, the details of what the post is about.

Blur for joke punchlines and spoilers.

For your quiz, I would probably use hide details despite the answers being spoilers just because, presumably, it is quite a long section.


Yeah, I’m leaning towards the ‘hide details’ option as well.