SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 peeraddr= state=error: certificate verify failed (Hostname mismatch)

Thank you.

I don’t see a section in app.yml for DISCOURSE_S3 settings. Do I just create a line for each? Or is that what the sudo commands do?

I’m not entirely clear on where I run or put those sudo commands. Not clear if it’s a one-time command line item to add it or if it’s something that has to go into app.yml so that it’s always accounted for.

Do the sudo commands go in the app.yml area or just the DISCOURSE_S3 setting lines?

Do I just leave this blank with DO Spaces? DISCOURSE_S3_REGION:

Do I have to have a CDN? We have very low traffic. Small group. I’m really trying to limit the moving parts if possible.