Stats for group members

I’m looking for a query that would give me usage/participation stats for all users in a specific group. We have volunteers who help the community and have them all in primary group “ninjas.” I’m looking to get a table with data that includes things like: visits, topics read, posts read, topics created, topics replied to, private message count, likes given, likes received, etc. I’d like to be able to input the time period and the group name as a param. I started with this query which I found in this topic, but not sure how to limit it to a specific group.

-- [params]
-- int :from_days_ago = 0
-- int :duration_days = 30

t as (
    CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - ((:from_days_ago + :duration_days) * (INTERVAL '1 days')) as start,
    CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - (:from_days_ago * (INTERVAL '1 days')) as end
pr as (
    select user_id, 
        count(1) as visits,
        sum(posts_read) as posts_read
    from user_visits, t
    where posts_read > 0
    and visited_at > t.start
    and visited_at < t.end
    group by user_id
pc as (
  select user_id, 
      count(1) as posts_created
  from posts, t
  where created_at > t.start
  and created_at < t.end
  group by user_id
ttopics as (
 select user_id, posts_count
  from topics, t
  where created_at > t.start
  and created_at < t.end
tc as (
  select user_id, 
      count(1) as topics_created
  from ttopics
  group by user_id
twr as (
  select user_id, 
      count(1) as topics_with_replies
  from ttopics
  where posts_count > 1
  group by user_id
tv as (
 select user_id, 
        count(distinct(topic_id)) as topics_viewed
  from topic_views, t
  where viewed_at > t.start
  and viewed_at < t.end
  group by user_id
likes as (
      post_actions.user_id as given_by_user_id, 
      posts.user_id as received_by_user_id
  from t, post_actions
  left join posts
  on post_actions.post_id =
  where post_actions.created_at > t.start
  and post_actions.created_at < t.end
  and post_action_type_id = 2

lg as (
  select given_by_user_id as user_id, 
      count(1) as likes_given
  from likes
  group by user_id
lr as (
  select received_by_user_id as user_id, 
      count(1) as likes_received
  from likes
  group by user_id
e as (
  select email, user_id
  from user_emails u
  where u.primary = true
select pr.user_id,
       coalesce(topics_viewed,0) as topics_viewed,
       coalesce(posts_read,0) as posts_read, 
       coalesce(posts_created,0) as posts_created,
       coalesce(topics_created,0) as topics_created,
       coalesce(topics_with_replies,0) as topics_with_replies,
       coalesce(likes_given,0) as likes_given,
       coalesce(likes_received,0) as likes_received
from pr
left join tv using (user_id)
left join pc using (user_id)
left join tc using (user_id)
left join twr using (user_id)
left join lg using (user_id)
left join lr using (user_id)
left join e using (user_id)
left join users on pr.user_id =
order by 
  visits desc, 
  posts_read desc, 
  posts_created desc

This query has pretty much everything in it. I’d like to see if time_read could be added as a column.

Stats for group members

Lets try this:

  1. Define params:
-- int :limit = 10
-- int :group_id = 3

I always use 10 (ten) as a limit, but you can change that.
And the “group_id” here is 3 (for staff group). Change as you need.

  1. Lets see the query:
-- [params]
-- int :from_days_ago = 0
-- int :duration_days = 30
-- int :limit = 10
-- int :group_id = 3

t as (
    CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - ((:from_days_ago + :duration_days) * (INTERVAL '1 days')) as start,
    CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - (:from_days_ago * (INTERVAL '1 days')) as end
pr as (
    select user_id, 
        count(1) as visits,
        sum(posts_read) as posts_read
    from user_visits, t
    where posts_read > 0
    and visited_at > t.start
    and visited_at < t.end
    group by user_id
pc as (
  select user_id, 
      count(1) as posts_created
  from posts, t
  where created_at > t.start
  and created_at < t.end
  group by user_id
ttopics as (
 select user_id, posts_count
  from topics, t
  where created_at > t.start
  and created_at < t.end
tc as (
  select user_id, 
      count(1) as topics_created
  from ttopics
  group by user_id
twr as (
  select user_id, 
      count(1) as topics_with_replies
  from ttopics
  where posts_count > 1
  group by user_id
tv as (
 select user_id, 
        count(distinct(topic_id)) as topics_viewed
  from topic_views, t
  where viewed_at > t.start
  and viewed_at < t.end
  group by user_id
likes as (
      post_actions.user_id as given_by_user_id, 
      posts.user_id as received_by_user_id
  from t, post_actions
  left join posts
  on post_actions.post_id =
  where post_actions.created_at > t.start
  and post_actions.created_at < t.end
  and post_action_type_id = 2

lg as (
  select given_by_user_id as user_id, 
      count(1) as likes_given
  from likes
  group by user_id
lr as (
  select received_by_user_id as user_id, 
      count(1) as likes_received
  from likes
  group by user_id
e as (
  select email, user_id
  from user_emails u
  where u.primary = true
select pr.user_id,
       coalesce(topics_viewed,0) as topics_viewed,
       coalesce(posts_read,0) as posts_read, 
       coalesce(posts_created,0) as posts_created,
       coalesce(topics_created,0) as topics_created,
       coalesce(topics_with_replies,0) as topics_with_replies,
       coalesce(likes_given,0) as likes_given,
       coalesce(likes_received,0) as likes_received
from pr
left join tv using (user_id)
left join pc using (user_id)
left join tc using (user_id)
left join twr using (user_id)
left join lg using (user_id)
left join lr using (user_id)
left join e using (user_id)
left join users on pr.user_id =
left join group_users on pr.user_id = group_users.user_id
WHERE group_users.group_id = :group_id
order by 
  visits desc, 
  posts_read desc, 
  posts_created desc
LIMIT :limit
  1. Please try it., and tell me your opinion :blush:

Thanks! This is getting a lot closer to what I was looking for. Is there a way to go by primary group? We have some users who are in multiple groups and I would want to narrow it down by their primary group. Also, where can I see group_Id? In /groups I can see the names of all of our groups, but not their number.

I don’t know your forum URL, but you can check the group’s id here:

You will see a JSON file with all the groups, just search the group, and check the “id”. :+1:

1 Like

That worked perfectly! What would it take to add the following values to that query?

  • post score
  • count of their posts that have been marked as solved by someone else
  • count of their topics or posts that have been bookmarked by someone else
  • count of flags given to others
  • count of flags received against them
  • total read time

I gave adding read time a shot myself…

-- [params]
-- int :from_days_ago = 0
-- int :duration_days = 30
-- int :limit = 30
-- int :group_id = 18

t as (
    CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - ((:from_days_ago + :duration_days) * (INTERVAL '1 days')) as start,
    CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - (:from_days_ago * (INTERVAL '1 days')) as end
pr as (
    select user_id, 
        count(1) as visits,
        sum(posts_read) as posts_read
    from user_visits, t
    where posts_read > 0
    and visited_at > t.start
    and visited_at < t.end
    group by user_id
tr as (
    select user_id, 
        count(1) as time_read
    from user_visits, t
    where visited_at > t.start
    and visited_at < t.end
    group by user_id
pc as (
  select user_id, 
      count(1) as posts_created
  from posts, t
  where created_at > t.start
  and created_at < t.end
  group by user_id
ttopics as (
 select user_id, posts_count
  from topics, t
  where created_at > t.start
  and created_at < t.end
tc as (
  select user_id, 
      count(1) as topics_created
  from ttopics
  group by user_id
twr as (
  select user_id, 
      count(1) as topics_with_replies
  from ttopics
  where posts_count > 1
  group by user_id
tv as (
 select user_id, 
        count(distinct(topic_id)) as topics_viewed
  from topic_views, t
  where viewed_at > t.start
  and viewed_at < t.end
  group by user_id
likes as (
      post_actions.user_id as given_by_user_id, 
      posts.user_id as received_by_user_id
  from t, post_actions
  left join posts
  on post_actions.post_id =
  where post_actions.created_at > t.start
  and post_actions.created_at < t.end
  and post_action_type_id = 2

lg as (
  select given_by_user_id as user_id, 
      count(1) as likes_given
  from likes
  group by user_id
lr as (
  select received_by_user_id as user_id, 
      count(1) as likes_received
  from likes
  group by user_id
e as (
  select email, user_id
  from user_emails u
  where u.primary = true
select pr.user_id,
       coalesce(time_read,0) as time_read,
       coalesce(topics_viewed,0) as topics_viewed,
       coalesce(posts_read,0) as posts_read, 
       coalesce(posts_created,0) as posts_created,
       coalesce(topics_created,0) as topics_created,
       coalesce(topics_with_replies,0) as topics_with_replies,
       coalesce(likes_given,0) as likes_given,
       coalesce(likes_received,0) as likes_received
from pr
left join tv using (user_id)
left join tr using (user_id)
left join pc using (user_id)
left join tc using (user_id)
left join twr using (user_id)
left join lg using (user_id)
left join lr using (user_id)
left join e using (user_id)
left join users on pr.user_id =
left join group_users on pr.user_id = group_users.user_id
WHERE group_users.group_id = :group_id
order by 
  visits desc, 
  posts_read desc, 
  posts_created desc
LIMIT :limit

The results for read time seem to be off, but I’m sure its because of:

tr as (
    select user_id, 
        count(1) as time_read
    from user_visits, t
    where visited_at > t.start
    and visited_at < t.end
    group by user_id

So I took out this and got something more realistic. I’m not sure if by removing this I am also not including read time based on the time frame.

    where visited_at > t.start
    and visited_at < t.end

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